I don't even know how it is possible to be THIS tired by Wednesday morning. Setting up a classroom is exhausting!
I have been super swamped...you know being a first year teacher and all, but I found a minute to link up with Sugar and Spice for a quick Wordless Wednesday post.
Here is my little corner of the classroom! I love how it is turning out so far! I have had a blast working on my room, but with every project I complete I think if three more...
My question is, will I ever feel like my room is finished? Or am I just going to think of more and more for all of eternity?!
Today I will get some more time to work on my room (Thank goodness!) and I will go to the first faculty meeting of the year. Wooooo! Free bagels here I come ;)
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Friday, August 15, 2014
My first Contracted Days!
All I can say is TGIF! I have had one whirlwind of a week and will be excited for a little brain break this weekend. I officially began my contracted time with CCSD and I have had two jam-packed days of PD. I have one more day of PD tomorrow before I finally get some much needed time in my classroom this weekend.
I'm so excited to share what I have been up to this week with Doodle Bugs Five for Friday!
I started off the week on a sad note. I had to drop my grandma off at the bus station because her visit was over :( I sure had a lot of fun while she was here though!
Yes, my grammy is a giant and kneeling to fit in this photo.
Wednesday was my first ever contracted day with CCSD. Our onboarding was held at the Venetian and they definitely went all out. They even opened up the day with a Marching band!
The podium is up there between those two flags.
I wish there was a way for me to show you the enormity of this room! It amazes me that I was surrounded by 1200 other new teachers just for our district!
That same morning my twinster and I were interviewed by a local news station. We had never been interviewed before, so that was a lot of fun! Shaunna is still mad that I volunteered us. and put it on Facebook. ;)
You can see our interview here!
I got my classroom keys this week and was so excited to finally be able to start working on my room! I made some progress!
Then the next day I came back to this...
Some more fun from the week!
Celebratory dinner with my love at the lob.
My twin got the keys to her first grade classroom! We found puppets.
We love Puppets!
My friend/co-worker Alicia wanted to take selfies at Onboarding. She had to twist my arm.
Okay, I'm off to a fun filled day of Springboard training. Whooooo! I hope your day is more exciting than I'm certain mine will be. ;)
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Wordless Wednesday (Aug. 13)
I officially begin my contracted time with CCSD today. TODAY! No big deal.
Today I'm linking up with Chrisitna for Wordless Wednesday
My love and I went out to celebrate my teacher status on Monday night because he worked last night. Can you guess where we went? It was delicious!
There may have been some ah-mazing biscuits also...
What fun things do you do to bring in a new school year? Anything special? Alright, I am off to Onboarding at the Venetian! #lasvegasproblems ;)
Friday, August 8, 2014
Five for Friday!
This. is. It. People.
This is OFFICIALLY my last Five for Friday with Doodle Bugs Teaching before I begin my newjob career. CAREER!!! Summer is almost over and boy am I happy about it! I'm so happy it went by quickly...much more quickly than I ever would have dreamed!
Here are 5 of the things I did this week. I have been one busyalmost teacher!!
Yesterday I had to go to a meeting to sign contracts for the Union and Health Insurance. That's right, this girl is mere days away from health coverage!
My twin and I headed down to our schools on Wednesday so we could see each others rooms. We discovered that Shaunna's school has a tortoise habit AND a garden. I was super jelly at first! When we got to my school, I saw that we are also getting a garden. #Twinning
Part of the garden. They have farmers markets twice a year where the families can come and buy fresh produce! VERY cool!
As I continue down my healthier path, I am trying to cook more. The other day I made some delicious lettuce wraps with with a bunch of different veggis and couscous. Here is a before picture of the ingredients. I ate all of them wraps before I took a photo! haha
We had an awesome storm here the other day! This is what happens when it rains in Vegas for more than an hour.
I hope it has been smooth sailing for those of you who have started the school year already!
This is OFFICIALLY my last Five for Friday with Doodle Bugs Teaching before I begin my new
Here are 5 of the things I did this week. I have been one busy
Yesterday I had to go to a meeting to sign contracts for the Union and Health Insurance. That's right, this girl is mere days away from health coverage!
Shaunna and I right before the Union meeting. We love opportunities to confuse people.
My twin and I headed down to our schools on Wednesday so we could see each others rooms. We discovered that Shaunna's school has a tortoise habit AND a garden. I was super jelly at first! When we got to my school, I saw that we are also getting a garden. #Twinning
Shaunna is super jealous that they have such a huge, dead sunflower.
Part of the garden. They have farmers markets twice a year where the families can come and buy fresh produce! VERY cool!
As I continue down my healthier path, I am trying to cook more. The other day I made some delicious lettuce wraps with with a bunch of different veggis and couscous. Here is a before picture of the ingredients. I ate all of them wraps before I took a photo! haha
We had an awesome storm here the other day! This is what happens when it rains in Vegas for more than an hour.
Pardon the giant crack in my windshield. It's crazy how long you can overlook things when you are broke. haha
Today is my last day of babysitting this summer! Im going to miss the kids, but not having to leave the house by 5:30am! After this, getting up for school will be a piece of cake! hahaI hope it has been smooth sailing for those of you who have started the school year already!
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
My Classroom Library!
Another Wednesday, that means its time to linkup with Christina over at Sugar and Spice for Wordless Wednesday!
For those of you who follow me on Instagram, you saw that I scored (S-C-O-R-E-D!!!) at a local library when they had a sale for .25 books! My twinster and I stocked up and bought a combined 130 books!
A BIG thanks to the twin's lovely boyfriend, who was in for a lot more than he bargained for with this one!
I have many questions this week. I'm sorry, but I am a first year teacher and I've run out of Wednesdays! Any answers would be soooo appreciated. I might also love you forever.
1) Has anyone ever tried a reading challenge with their kiddos? (The teacher challenges the students to read a set number of books off of a list)
2) Does anyone have any book 'must-reads' for middle schoolers?
3) How do you go about organizing your classroom library? Do you have a check-out policy?
4) What is the bet book score you have ever found?
I will see you back here on Friday for the Five for Friday Linky :)For those of you who haven't heard, there is a fab giveaway going on over at Mixing it Up in Middle! Go check it out!
For those of you who follow me on Instagram, you saw that I scored (S-C-O-R-E-D!!!) at a local library when they had a sale for .25 books! My twinster and I stocked up and bought a combined 130 books!
A BIG thanks to the twin's lovely boyfriend, who was in for a lot more than he bargained for with this one!
I have many questions this week. I'm sorry, but I am a first year teacher and I've run out of Wednesdays! Any answers would be soooo appreciated. I might also love you forever.
1) Has anyone ever tried a reading challenge with their kiddos? (The teacher challenges the students to read a set number of books off of a list)
2) Does anyone have any book 'must-reads' for middle schoolers?
3) How do you go about organizing your classroom library? Do you have a check-out policy?
4) What is the bet book score you have ever found?
I will see you back here on Friday for the Five for Friday Linky :)For those of you who haven't heard, there is a fab giveaway going on over at Mixing it Up in Middle! Go check it out!
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